4-Ever Friends Persians
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I Hope You Dance...

Welcome To Our Home Page
4EverFriends Persians doesn't really begin with persians, rather it begins with 4 people who struck up a friendship 17 years ago. Michelle & Steve Owen and Lisa & Jerry Helms met in childbirth classes. That friendship grew over the years as our families grew. Now, 17 years later, sadly one of us (Jerry Helms) has gone on to Heaven and he will have a place in our hearts forever.

Which brings me back to the name of our cattery, 4-EverFriends. About 8 years ago, Lisa & Michelle began a journey into the world of cats, Persians - to be more specific. Our daughters (Sara Helms & Ally Owen) accompanied us and helped us in the showhalls many weekends. Thus we decided to join forces and catteries and we proudly present to you:
4-EverFriends Persians

Cathedral's Forever in My Dreams

Cathedral Cattery
Lisa's original cattery is "Cathedral" cattery - Divine Felines. Lisa has granded many cats and also had a regional winner:
"GCRW Cathedral's Victoria's Secret" SR 17TH Best Kitten 1998-1999, a beautiful copper eyed white female.

Cathedral's lines include, Artemis, South Paw, Ezluvin & Chantilylace to name a few.
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PtsofGrace Cattery
Michelle's original cattery name is "Pts.ofGrace" Heavenly Purr-sians. The lines include South Paw, Ezluvin, PaJean, ChantilyLace, Marhei & WattKatz.